The Way They Are: Preserving the Material Culture of Black Victorians & 19th Century Historically Accurate Representation material culture, photographyTanzy Ward, Author and Founder of Zanathia JewelryMay 1, 2023
Announcing the Upcoming Yale University Exhibition “Allegories, Renditions, and a Small Nation of Women” African history, antiquesTanzy Ward, Author and Founder of Zanathia JewelryJuly 20, 2021exhibitions
Collecting Victorian Mourning Jewelry and Its Modern Historical Significance collecting, jewelryTanzy Ward, Author and Founder of Zanathia JewelryJanuary 28, 2021
Hidden Legacies: African Presence in European Antiques - An Overlooked History antiques, African history, art historyTanzy Ward, Author and Founder of Zanathia JewelryDecember 28, 2020art history